Treatments & Assessments

Assessment of gait conditions by an expert

Experiencing pain while walking? Visit my clinic or get in touch with me at Jeanette Hamilton for gait assessment and correction by an expert. Based in Yeovil, I offer my treatments and services to customers in Somerset and Dorset.
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Precise biomechanical assessments

If you are suffering from foot, ankle or lower limb pain, then you can benefit from my gait assessment service. I can inspect your feet to understand the underlying causes of your foot pain and accurately diagnose any foot problems. I  can then create a suitable treatment plan for you. Feel free to contact me with your queries or visit me at my clinic. I will be there to help you.
Personalised foot care treatments

Why rely on my foot care treatments?

Lunula Laser Fungal Nails

Lunula Laser Fungal Nails

Lunula Laser is a safe and effective podiatrist-led laser  which provides a simple, convenient and drug free solution for treating fungal nail infections with no side effects. The patients foot is paced under the lunula laser where the laser will initiate an immune response to painlessly attack the fungus and promote healthy nail growth.
Soft Tissue Mobilisation

Soft Tissue Mobilisation

Soft tissue mobilisation is a form of manual physical therapy where I use  hands on techniques on muscles, ligaments and fascia with the goal of breaking down adhesions, moving tissue fluids, relaxing muscle tension and optimising your muscle function whilst promoting healing.
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I offer various effective foot care treatments. Call me now on
07714 820 962

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